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J8/ Model — OEE Software - Excel - Overall Equipment Effectiveness - Automotive Industry

Regular price €99,00
Regular price €159,00 Sale price €99,00
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The OEE Calculation Software changes how industries monitor and enhance their performance. It tracks and analyzes vital data like downtime, production rates, and scrap rates. This gives real-time insight into production performance and enables quick decision-making to fix issues and boost productivity. OEE is a crucial tool for Industry 4.0.

To know more about OEE, check out All you need to know about OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) ”

Steps to Monitor and Improve Your OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

Step 1: Install a Data Collection Device

Manually collect data from operators about the causes and durations of stoppages.

Step 2: Connect Your Data to Excel

Enter the collected data into Excel to populate databases on production campaigns.

Step 3: Update Reports

Analyze the OEE and identify the main causes of stoppages by updating reports in Excel.

Step 4: Implement an Action Plan (PDCA)

Plan, Do, Check, Act - Implement continuous improvement actions to increase productivity.

Structure and Key Components

1. A OEE monitoring table

2. A Pareto Availability loss analysis dashboard

  • Analysis of the main causes of availability loss using dynamic filtering by team, machine, and timeline

3. A Pareto dashboard for analyzing scrap rates

  • Analysis of the main causes of scrap using dynamic filtering by team, machine, and timeline

4. Availability Rate Monitoring by Machine

  • Tracking of the Top 8 Machines with the Most Downtime in a Recent Period

5. Quality Rate Monitoring by Machine

  • Tracking of the 8 critical Machines Generating scraps in a Recent Period

6. Data Entry Sheets

  • Category: Category entry sheet (teams, stations, causes)
  • Batch: Batch entry sheet to record daily production campaigns: Date, team, required production time, good parts to produce objectives, good parts produced
  • Scraps: Entry sheet per team and per day of the quantities of good, reworked and rejected parts with the causes
  • Stoppages: Team entry sheet for production stoppages and the causes and types of stoppage (scheduled stoppage, breakdown, organized malfunction, series change, non-quality)

7. Tracking the main causes of rejects and stoppages

  • Summary: OEE and quality monitoring graph by daily batch and team
  • Monthly review: OEE monitoring graph and cumulative batch quality per month to analyze trends over a longer period

8. Pareto tracking of main causes of scraps and stoppages

  • Shutdowns Graph: Pareto graph of major shutdowns over the last 4 weeks
  • Stops Graph 2: Time tracking graph of main stops
  • Cartons Chart: Pareto chart of major scraps and reworks over the last 4 weeks
  • Scraps graph: Time tracking graph of main scraps

9. Others

  • Pivot tables for personalized analyses,

OEE monitoring: Methodology and Applications

To guarantee optimized monitoring, you will need to check these few steps:

  1. Enter the stations of the line, the causes of rejects and the causes of stops
  2. Fill the databases: production campaign, stoppages and scraps
  3. View and analyze the performance indicators of your production line
  4. Implement actions to improve the performance of your equipment

Use this tool to deploy TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) simply, quickly and efficiently. It is a resource used by leaders in the automotive industry, essential in today's competitive industrial context. Save time and resources and focus on improving your performance.

Simplified tracking software

This Excel model for OEE calculation is easily deployed within your organization and does not require any particular technical skills for its use. However, it is strongly recommended to provide a demonstration for managers and operators, in order to facilitate your first steps in monitoring the OEE and understanding this indicator.

Optimization and Advanced Management of Production

For optimal monitoring, we support you step by step in setting up a complete solution to integrate data from your existing ERP, MES , SCADA, etc. systems. This approach streamlines data entry for operators and enriches KPI analysis for managers, making it easier to evaluate improvement measures . To find out more about our support offers, do not hesitate to consult our support offers page and the functionalities of our OEE software.

🎯 Boost your production with this tool, used by leaders in the automotive industry. Save time and resources by aiming for operational excellence.

This document is available on the Excel editor: a direct access link will be sent to you after purchase.

Compatible with Microsoft Excel 2016 and later.

Does not contain macros, works on several simultaneous workstations via Excel Online, it is easily adaptable and modifiable according to your specific needs.


Easy to use

Immediate deployment


Instant delivery

After order



Assistance when needed

Key Features

  • TPM deployment
  • OEE tracking
  • Quality report
  • Availability tracking
  • Pareto of causes
  • Analysis and reporting


  • Automotive
  • Aerospace and defense
  • Agri-food
  • Pharmaceutical industry and medical devices
  • Metallurgy and steel industry
  • Paper and packaging
  • Electronics and semiconductors
  • Textiles and clothing
  • Manufacturer

Integration Time

  • Immediate



What is OEE?

OEE is a key performance indicator used to measure production efficiency by taking into account availability, performance and quality.

How does OEE calculator software help industries?

The software collects and analyzes production data, such as downtime, production rates and scrap rates, enabling real-time visualization of performance and rapid decision-making to improve productivity.

What are the key components of the software?

- OEE monitoring and calculation dashboard
- Pareto performance loss analysis dashboard
- Pareto dashboard for scrap rate analysis
- Monitoring of availability rate per machine
- Monitoring of quality rates per machine
- Data entry sheets for stops and scraps

What are the steps to monitor and improve OEE?

Step 1: Install a data collection device
Step 2: Connect Data to Excel
Step 3: Update Reports to Analyze OEE
Step 4: Implement an action plan (PDCA)

Does the software work with Excel?

Yes, the Excel template for calculating OEE is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2016 and later versions. It does not contain macros and can work on several workstations simultaneously via Excel Online.

Do I need technical skills to use the software?

No, the software is designed to be easy to deploy and use without special technical skills. A demonstration is recommended for managers and operators.

How can this software help me deploy TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)?

By using this tool, you can view and analyze performance indicators, identify the main causes of losses, and implement actions to improve the performance of your equipment, thus facilitating the deployment of TPM.

Is the software suitable for existing systems (ERP, MES, SCADA)?

Yes, we offer support to integrate data from your existing systems to guarantee optimized monitoring of your production.

How can I access the software after purchase?

A direct access link to the Excel document will be sent to you after purchase.

Which industries can benefit from this software?

The software is used by leaders in the automotive industry and is essential for any company seeking to improve its production performance in a competitive industrial context.

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
je suis satisfait

je suis satisfait de cet outil de suivi, cela m'a permis de suivre et améliorer facilement la performance de ma ligne de production.


Un outil pratique que je recommande pour suivre efficacement le TRS.

pratique et efficace

Cet outil Excel de suivi du TRS est indispensable pour tout responsable de prod qui vise à améliorer facilement l'efficacité de ses opérations industrielles.

Production supervisor
I use it tp manage my press line

I have implemented it on my press line for vehicle door panels, this tool have significantly improved our operations. it allow us to track production efficiency, identify major causes of downtime, and update our PDCA cycle. thank you team for supporting us !

easy to use

A must for any manufacturing operation looking to boost productivity and reduce downtime.

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