Top 8 OEE Tracking Software in 2024: Production Efficiency


In the current industrial era, marked by increased competition and a constant quest for efficiency, companies are constantly seeking to optimize their production processes. It is in this context that the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) , a key performance indicator, becomes essential for evaluating and improving the efficiency of manufacturing operations. Industrial performance monitoring software, focused on the calculation and analysis of OEE, presents itself as essential tools for leaders seeking to maximize the productivity and profitability of their production lines. By providing reliable and up-to-date data, this software enables precise management of resources, rapid identification of inefficiencies, and informed decision-making based on concrete analyses.

Importance of OEE in Modern Industry

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is more than just a number; it is a comprehensive measurement that reflects the overall efficiency of industrial equipment. By integrating three critical dimensions – availability, performance, and quality – OEE provides a holistic view of productivity. In doing so, it not only identifies losses but also opportunities for improvement in production processes. The importance of OEE lies in its ability to transform operational data into strategic insights, thereby facilitating a culture of continuous improvement. In an industrial landscape where every second of downtime can result in significant losses, rigorous monitoring of OEE allows companies to respond quickly to unforeseen events, optimize equipment utilization and, ultimately, strengthen their competitiveness on the market. In short, OEE is not just a performance indicator; it is a strategic lever for operational excellence in modern industry.

Presentation of Performance Monitoring Software (OEE) - Top 8 Solutions

Industrial performance is at the heart of the concerns of companies wishing to optimize their production processes. Performance monitoring software (OEE) plays a key role in this quest for efficiency. Here is an overview of the 5 cutting-edge solutions that stand out in 2024:

1. Astn'go, the OEE software for real-time industrial production monitoring

Astn'go, the OEE software for real-time industrial production monitoring, excels in the careful monitoring of the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). Thanks to automated collection from machines and manual qualification of stops by operators, Astn'go offers major advantages, including real-time collection, reliable measurements, precise qualification of breakdowns, and efficient automation of feedback. data via the Ast & go module. [See the Complete Sheet]

2. VIF MES: Operational Excellence in Real Time

VIF MES, the architect of your operational excellence, boosts your performance in real time. Beyond simply monitoring the Synthetic Rate of Return (SRR), VIF MES frees your business from the constraints of paper and Excel with precise data collection. Guarantee unrivaled product quality by detecting defects from the start of the flow, and lead your teams with appropriate indicators. Intuitive, modular, plug & play, and in full SaaS technology, VIF MES integrates harmoniously into your industrial environment, agilely connecting your ERP and your equipment to propel your production capacity towards operational excellence. [See the Complete Sheet]

3. Tulip: The Connected Platform to Improve the Efficiency of Your Production

Tulip positions itself as a cutting-edge solution for front-line operations management, merging the capabilities of MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software with the Internet of Things to boost the performance of manufacturing companies. This platform stands out for its flexibility and adaptability, enabling tangible improvement in productivity by optimizing processes and reducing downtime. With real-time data collection and in-depth process analysis, Tulip facilitates traceability, reduces human errors, and ensures seamless integration with other ERP and MES systems. [See the Complete Sheet]

4. Mobility Work: New Generation CMMS Software

With more than 44,000 users, Mobility Work modernizes maintenance management thanks to its intuitive and mobile approach. This CMMS platform facilitates preventive and corrective maintenance, contributing to improving the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) of machines. The user-friendly user interface and responsive support make Mobility Work a preferred choice for businesses seeking increased efficiency and productivity. [See the Complete Sheet]

5. Teeptrack: Digital Solutions for Real-Time Tracking

Teeptrack offers an innovative solution for reactive management of industrial performance. Based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing and integrating technologies such as IoT, Bluetooth and WiFi, Teeptrack allows real-time monitoring of production resources. This digital approach aims to improve operational efficiency and position businesses one step ahead of the competition. [See the Complete Sheet]

6. Kami: Optimization of Industrial Efficiency

Kami offers tools for real-time monitoring of production performance. their range of solutions is designed to increase the efficiency of production lines by providing valuable data for optimizing operations. Kami stands out for its ability to integrate advanced analytics for better decision-making and optimized management of industrial performance. [See the Complete Sheet]

7. LeanCure MES: Flexibility, Traceability and Performance for Your Business

LeanCure is an MES (Manufacturing Control System) platform designed for industry 4.0, offering digitalized production and quality management. This modular solution allows real-time monitoring of production, quality self-checks, in-depth data analysis, and flexibility of use thanks to its two modules, the “Leancure MES Viewer” and “Traceability – Self-check”. In addition, LeanCure effectively integrates the monitoring of the Synthetic Yield Rate (SEE), thus contributing to the optimization of production and quality. It is a complete solution to ensure traceability, compliance and improve the overall performance of your factory. [See the Complete Sheet]

8. Digital Factory: Tailor-made OEE software Optimization of Industrial Efficiency

Digital Factory offers a tailor-made solution in the industrial performance monitoring software landscape, focusing specifically on Synthetic Rate of Return (SEE) optimization. With its intuitive interface and advanced features for automation and performance analysis, Digital Factory provides detailed, real-time monitoring of production line efficiency. Tailored to the specific needs of each company through a personalized deployment and integration approach, as well as comprehensive support, this platform stands out for its ability to transform production processes. By meeting the requirements of different users, operators, managers and system administrators, Digital Factory facilitates the rapid identification of sources of performance loss and the effective implementation of corrective measures, leading to a significant improvement in productivity and performance levels. OEE. [See the Complete Sheet]

OEE Software Selection Criteria

When selecting Synthetic Rate of Return (SRR) software, several criteria must be taken into account to ensure that the chosen tool effectively meets the specific needs of the company:

  • Compatibility and Integration: The software must be able to easily integrate with existing systems (ERP, MES , SCADA) without requiring major modifications to the IT infrastructure.

  • Ease of Use: An intuitive user interface and simple setup process are essential for rapid adoption by all users.

  • Analytics Features: The software's ability to analyze, present and interpret performance data into actionable insights is crucial for decision-making.

  • Technical Support and Training: Responsive technical support and the availability of training resources are essential to resolve problems and ensure optimal use of the software.

  • Scalability: The software must be able to adapt to the growth and developments of the company, supporting the addition of new production lines or the integration of new functionalities.

  • Data Security: Ensuring the protection of the data collected is essential, the software must therefore offer solid guarantees in terms of IT security.

Best Practices for Calculating and Optimizing OEE

  • Accurate Data Collection: Ensure data collection is automatic and accurate to avoid manual errors. Direct integration with production equipment allows reliable, real-time measurement of OEE.

  • Regular Analysis: Perform regular analyzes to identify trends, anomalies and potential areas for improvement. Use the software's analytical features to break down OEE into its components (availability, performance, quality).

  • Corrective Action Planning: Use insights generated by the software to plan and implement targeted corrective actions. Prioritize interventions based on their potential impact on improving OEE.

  • Team Engagement: Involve operators and managers in the OEE optimization process. Raising awareness and training teams on the importance of TRS and on the use of the software are key to the success of its deployment.

  • Continuous Improvement: Adopt a continuous improvement approach, using TRS software as a tool to manage and measure the effectiveness of the changes made.

Case Studies: Industrial Successes with TRS Software

  • Improved Productivity in Automotive: An automobile manufacturing plant implemented TRS software to identify production losses linked to frequent machine downtime. Through detailed analysis, the team was able to target problematic equipment, reduce downtime through preventive maintenance and increase OEE by 15%.

  • Optimization in the Food Industry: A food company used TRS software to optimize its packaging lines. Data analysis revealed inefficiencies in machine settings, leading to adjustments that improved performance and quality of finished products, resulting in a 10% increase in OEE.

Future of TRS Software in Industry 4.0

The future of Industrial Performance Monitoring (IPM) software is part of Industry 4.0 , characterized by advanced automation, the interconnection of equipment and artificial intelligence. TRS software will continue to evolve to meet the growing needs of businesses seeking to optimize operational efficiency. Here are some key trends to anticipate:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning : TRS software will further integrate AI and machine learning to anticipate failures, optimize production in real time, and offer improvement recommendations based on big data analysis.

  2. Increased connectivity : The integration of TRS software with the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected sensors will become the norm, enabling even more precise, real-time monitoring of equipment performance.

  3. Use of Augmented Reality (AR) : AR will be used to provide contextual information to operators, thereby improving their decision-making and responsiveness to performance issues.

  4. Customization and Usability : TRS software will become increasingly customizable to meet the specific needs of each business, while remaining user-friendly for widespread adoption.

  5. Enhanced Cybersecurity : With increased connectivity, cybersecurity will become a major concern, and TRS software will need to have advanced protection measures.


In conclusion, TRS software plays a central role in optimizing the production processes of industrial companies. Their ability to accurately measure Synthetic Rate of Return, coupled with their integration with other systems, allows managers to make informed decisions to improve efficiency and maximize output.

The growing use of AI, IoT, AR and other technologies in TRS software is paving the way for even more advanced and competitive industrial performance in the era of Industry 4.0.

Useful Resources and Links

To deepen your knowledge of TRS software and its use in the industry, we recommend the following resources:

  • Complete Guide to OEE : Our detailed guide covers in depth the understanding of OEE and highlights its considerable benefits for industries.

  • OEE Excel tracking software model : Benefit from our advanced Excel model, ready to be deployed, to initiate your exploration of OEE tracking in your industrial sector. It is an essential tool for viewing and analyzing performance data in depth.

  • Complete List of Production Management Software Vendors : Explore the leading production management software vendors in detail and discover their varied offerings. This resource will help you choose the solution that best suits your specific needs.

We hope this page has provided you with an in-depth understanding of TRS software and its essential role in modern industry. Please feel free to explore these resources further to stay up to date on the latest advances in this ever-evolving field.
