Industrial and Energy Performance Audit

Discover in depth the performance status of your site through this comprehensive audit form, covering more than 100 questions spread over several key themes: operational efficiency, energy, quality, production, maintenance and logistics . Each section is designed to identify your strengths, your areas for improvement, and provide you with a clear vision of the control of your processes. At the end of the form, access a global assessment with detailed results to understand the current performance of your site and concrete optimization avenues.

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Questions / Items to Audit

Questions / Items to Audit - Check Y/N Y/N

Operational Efficiency

Are there any measures on the job to determine efficiency (TRS/OEE)?
Are the measurements collected and analyzed via a digital tool?
Are analytics available in real time via a dashboard?
Are the faults clearly identified and categorized?
Are the causes of failures analyzed and documented?
Is there a history of failures and shutdowns for analysis?
Are corrective actions or PDCA cycles in place for each recurring shutdown?
Is the fault resolution rate monitored?
Are Lean initiatives (SMED, Kaizen,...) deployed to reduce downtime?
Are KPIs shared with operators, managers and management?
Are there regular performance review meetings with the teams?
Is TRS aligned with overall production objectives?
Are there any KPIs on operator efficiency?
Are operators trained on the importance of their impact on TRS/OEE?
Are management systems (MES, SCADA) integrated to optimize OEE?
Is there an automated alert process in case of performance drift?

Energy Efficiency

Is energy consumption measured and monitored in real time?
Is there a tool that identifies key Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs)?
Are high energy consuming equipment (SEUs) subject to preventive and predictive maintenance?
Are production processes optimized to minimize energy consumption?
Are key personnel trained on the impact of their actions on energy performance?
Are energy improvement projects identified, prioritized and monitored?


Are quality control processes documented and followed?
Are internal quality audits carried out regularly?
Are quality checks carried out at each stage of production?
Are quality control methods available and known to the team?
Are non-conformities detected in real time and isolated or corrected immediately?
Is a product traceability system in place to track each batch produced?
Are the root causes of non-conformities analyzed (e.g. 5 Whys)?
Are scrap rates monitored and integrated into performance indicators?
Are continuous improvement cycles (PDCA) in place to reduce defects?
Are customer feedback and complaints taken into account in improvement actions?
Are there continuous improvement projects to improve the quality of products and processes?
Are operators trained in the quality standards applicable to their position?
Do operators have an active role in detecting and reporting non-conformities?
Are staff aware of quality issues and their impact on customer satisfaction?
Is a quality KPI dashboard accessible to operational teams and management?
Are raw materials checked upon receipt to verify their conformity?
Are suppliers evaluated on their quality performance?
Are customer complaints recorded, analyzed and followed up?
Are corrective actions taken to resolve issues reported by customers?
Is customer satisfaction measured and monitored as part of continuous improvement?
Are the control means available and close to critical positions?
Is there traceability of production batches?
Is the customer reject and return rate monitored in real time?
Are the causes of defects identified and resolved?
Are audits carried out regularly?
Is there a product validation process at each stage of production?


Are production targets defined and monitored on a daily basis?
Are stocks of raw materials and semi-finished products sufficient but not excessive?
Are replenishment deadlines being met?
Is an assembly line with production instructions available for each station?
Are cycle time and takt time defined?
Is the operator trained on the assembly range?
Is BI software connected to MES, CMMS and ERP systems?
Is there a layout plan for the area?
Is the implementation plan up to date?
Are the locations of objects well identified and standardized?
Are the workstation and its surroundings tidy and clean?
Are instructions on the organization and cleanliness of the workstation defined and respected according to established frequencies?


Is a preventive maintenance plan defined and followed?
Is maintenance management assisted by software (CMMS)?
Are critical equipment identified and prioritized for maintenance?
Are preventive maintenance interventions carried out according to the established schedule?
Are IoT sensors or predictive maintenance tools used to anticipate breakdowns?
Is the execution rate of maintenance plans monitored and analyzed?
Are breakdowns recorded and categorized (by type, duration, cause)?
Are OTs planned, prioritized and monitored using appropriate processes?
Are mean time between failures (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR) monitored?
Are the causes of recurring breakdowns analyzed and treated sustainably?
Are intervention sheets completed after each maintenance?
Is a maintenance history per equipment available?
Are maintenance procedures documented and accessible to technicians?
Are spare parts stocks optimized to avoid stockouts?
Is parts replenishment automated or well planned?
Are critical parts identified and permanently available?
Are technicians trained on new equipment and technologies?
Are regular training sessions organized to keep skills up to date?
Are maintenance personnel aware of safety and good practices?
Are maintenance dashboards used to analyze performance?
Are continuous improvement cycles (PDCA) in place to optimize maintenance?
Are technicians actively involved in finding solutions to reduce breakdowns?
Is feedback shared to improve maintenance processes?


Is there a supply chain management process (VSM, MIFD)?
Are inventories managed Just-in-Time (JIT)?
Is the stockout or overstock rate monitored and analyzed regularly?
Are stocks of finished and semi-finished products optimized to avoid unnecessary surpluses?
Are stock rotation indicators monitored to improve stock management?
Are deliveries meeting the deadlines agreed with customers?
Is there a real-time tracking system for shipments?
Are carriers and logistics providers evaluated on their performance (compliance with deadlines, reliability)?
Are alternative plans in place in the event of a disruption in the supply chain or transportation?
Is there automated inventory management and replenishment via a WMS (Warehouse Management System)?
Is the WMS system integrated with other management tools (ERP, MES)?
Is the use of barcodes, RFID or other technologies in place to improve flow management?
Are there automated alerts for out of stock or overstock?
Are logistics KPIs (e.g. stockout rates, on-time delivery rates, storage costs) monitored regularly?
Are logistics performances shared with relevant teams to encourage continuous improvement?
Are internal audits carried out to assess the effectiveness of logistics management?
Site Features
Surface area of ​​premises (m²)
Annual production in the reference year (quantity)
Company workforce
Sector of activity
Site Certifications
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 50001
Scope of the Audit
Perimeter (global/localized)

Audit Assessment

Theme Result
Operational Efficiency
Energy Efficiency

Audit of Key KPIs

Key Indicators Statement Result from the same sector
TRS (Synthetic Rate of Return) -
Energy consumption per unit (EnPIs) -
Rejection rate -
Number of operators / turnover -
Availability -
Lead Time -

Optimize your performance with a tailor-made audit

If you would like to receive a personalized proposal to improve the performance of your activities, whether it is energy, operational or industrial efficiency, do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we will identify the levers for improvement and implement solutions adapted to your specific needs to maximize your performance and achieve your objectives.



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