Example of specifications to download

Drafting specifications is an essential step in ensuring the smooth running of a project. They serve as a reference for defining needs, requirements, and objectives, aligning all stakeholders around a shared vision. Whether for a technical, IT, or industrial project, a well-structured specification is the key to success.

Here are four examples of specifications adapted to different types of projects.

Examples of project specifications

The specifications can be adapted to different contexts, whether it is a global project or the design of a specific service or product, by clearly defining expectations and deliverables.

Service or Product Specification Template (Free)

A general project specification is used to manage various types of projects (organizational, technical, industrial, etc.). It contains a project overview, objectives, constraints, functional requirements, and expected deliverables. This type of document provides a comprehensive overview and facilitates communication between stakeholders.

[ Download the Project Specifications for Free ]

Cover page for a project management specifications template

    Example of Technical Specifications – Industrial Machine

    The technical specifications for an industrial machine specify the technical specifications of the equipment to be acquired or developed. It defines the expected performance, the standards to be met (e.g., ISO, CE), the implementation constraints, and the maintenance requirements.

    [ Download the industrial specifications ]

    Screenshot of the cover page of a technical specifications template

    Service Provision Specifications Model

    A specification for a service defines the client's specific needs, objectives, constraints, and expectations. It specifies performance criteria, delivery deadlines, and the methods for monitoring and validating results. This document is essential for establishing a relationship of trust between the service provider and the client, while ensuring the proper execution of the service.

    [ Download the Service Provision specifications ]

    Complete PDF document for structuring business service provision

    Example of specifications for IT projects

    Whether for a website or a mobile application, a well-structured specification allows you to precisely define your needs and ensure effective implementation of the project.

    Website Specifications Template

    A website design brief is essential for framing the project's development. It describes the expected features, ergonomics, technical requirements (hosting, CMS, security), as well as design and SEO expectations.

    [ Download the specifications Website ]

    Website Design Specification Template Cover Page

    Mobile Application Specifications Template

    A mobile application specification defines the requirements for developing a mobile solution on iOS and Android. It covers UX/UI aspects, specific features (push notifications, geolocation), security requirements, and performance criteria (response time, multi-screen compatibility).

    [ Download the specifications for the mobile application ]

    Cover page for a presentation of a specification template for creating a mobile application

    Steps to create your specifications

    To successfully draft your specifications for an industrial machine, follow these essential steps: start by defining your needs and requirements, consult several suppliers to compare their offers, select the most suitable supplier based on performance and cost criteria, then ensure rigorous monitoring of the project by controlling the order, the budget and delivery times.

    To learn more, check out these helpful resources:



    Un cahier des charges permet de structurer un projet, d’aligner toutes les parties prenantes et d’éviter les imprévus en définissant clairement les exigences et les livrables. Il sert de référence tout au long du projet et facilite la collaboration entre les différents acteurs.
    Il existe plusieurs types de cahiers des charges, chacun adapté à un domaine spécifique. On retrouve notamment :
    - Le cahier des charges industriel pour la gestion de production et l’optimisation des processus.
    - Le cahier des charges informatique pour définir les besoins en développement logiciel.
    - Le cahier des charges site web pour la création et la refonte de plateformes digitales.
    - Le cahier des charges d’application mobile pour encadrer le développement d’une application.
    - Le cahier des charges de projet global pour structurer des initiatives multi-sectorielles.
    Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement un modèle de cahier des charges basique ou opter pour des modèles avancés adaptés à votre projet, directement sur DigitalFactory.Store, dans la section des ressources. Après avoir passé commande, un lien de téléchargement vous sera envoyé par e-mail ou sera accessible sur la page de confirmation de commande. Ces modèles sont conçus pour être facilement personnalisables et applicables à différents secteurs.

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