All LEAN tools to download for free: Models and Examples

In a constantly changing industrial environment, improving productivity and reducing waste is a major challenge. Lean approaches and project management methods help you progress in this direction. Here is a list of ten essential Excel templates to help your teams become more efficient and flexible.

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Calculation of Takt Time and Gantt Cycle Times

This template helps determine the Takt Time , that is, the time interval you have to produce each unit according to customer demand. It includes a Gantt chart that allows you to quickly measure and visualize the cycle time and compare it with the takt time in order to identify possible bottlenecks in the production line.

[Download the template here]

Gantt chart showing cycle times with progress bars for each task. A red line represents the takt time, allowing you to visualize the production rate needed to meet demand.

Excel dashboard for tracking and calculating TRS

This OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) tracking template provides a clear interface to track the availability, industrial performance and quality of your machines. With its key indicators, you can quickly identify areas for improvement and optimize your production. It is an ideal tool for any industrial team looking to reduce waste and increase overall efficiency.

[Download the template here]

Example of TRS calculation and monitoring

Poka Yoke Example

Poka Yoke is a method for preventing errors or detecting them as soon as they occur. The corresponding Excel template provides a structured approach to analyzing potential sources of errors and implementing detection and prevention actions to improve operational reliability.

[Download the template here]

Poka Yoke example to download in Excel

Kaizen and Continuous Improvement Example

Kaizen is based on small daily improvements leading to significant progress over the long term. The associated Excel template provides a flowchart and an action tracking sheet, allowing you to identify optimization opportunities and measure their impact over time.

[Download the template here]

Kaizen report with action plan - Excel sheet for process optimization | Kaizen report with action plan - Excel sheet for process optimization

SWOT Example

To successfully complete complex projects, it is often crucial to conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding the business or project.

[Download the template here]

Example of a SWOT in Excel - launching a new product

Gantt Planning

An Excel Gantt chart allows you to clearly plan tasks and resources over time and track them.

[Download the template here]

"Automatic Takt Time calculation and operations planning with a Gantt chart" / "Automatic Takt Time calculation and operations planning with a Gantt chart

PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)

The Deming wheel, better known by the acronym PDCA , consists of planning an action, executing it, checking the results and adjusting if necessary. The corresponding Excel template offers a complete guide with performance indicators for each phase, making the continuous improvement process more concrete.

[Download the template here]

PDCA template for project management and process analysis.

Kanban Board

The principle of Kanban is to visualize tasks, their status and production flows through a simple table: "To do", "In progress", "Completed". The Excel version gives the possibility to follow the work of a team in real time, to detect blockages and to distribute resources in a balanced way.

[Download the template here]

Excel Example of a Kanban Board

QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control)

This approach focused on responsiveness and rapid resolution of quality issues makes it possible to clearly document each non-conformity, identify its cause and implement corrective actions. The proposed QRQC Excel model facilitates traceability and monitoring of improvements over time.

[Download the template here]

QRQC Corrective Action Plan Example in Excel

RACI Matrix

Clarifying everyone's roles and responsibilities is essential to smooth collaboration. A RACI matrix (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) helps structure the distribution of tasks, avoid duplication and specify who should be consulted or simply informed at each stage of a project.

[Download the template here]

Example of a RACI matrix for a new product launch, a crucial step for project management.

Root Cause Analysis

When a problem occurs, it is essential to identify its root cause to prevent its reoccurrence. An Excel template dedicated to this analysis offers a systematic method (for example, the 5 Whys ) and an action plan aimed at definitively eliminating the main causes.

[Download the template here]

Example of a 5 Why Cause Analysis for a Machine Failure

SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)

Reducing the changeover time is a major lever for optimization, since it promotes greater flexibility and limits production stoppages. An Excel SMED table makes it possible to list all the adjustment steps and to distinguish internal activities (requiring a machine stoppage) from external activities (which can be carried out in parallel), via the GANTT chart.

[Download the template here]

SMED Excel template showing activity types, targets and actual times for optimizing production changeovers.

5S Excel Example: Checklist, Audit and Control for Industry

The 5S method, derived from Japanese Lean Management, is based on five key principles (Sort, Tidy, Clean, Standardize, Respect) to create a safer, cleaner and better organized work environment. With this tool, you can quickly identify sources of disorder or waste, plan concrete interventions and monitor progress in real time, thus promoting a lasting culture of operational excellence.

[Download the template here]

Example of a 5S audit for a workstation

AMDEC (FMEA) Excel/Google Sheet Model – Free

FMEA is the go-to method for identifying, analyzing, and classifying potential failures in a process or product. This free template provides a ready-to-use framework for determining the causes of each risk and implementing corrective solutions.

[Download the template here]

AMDEC risk analysis matrix, with axes representing the severity and probability of occurrence of risks. Each box is colored according to the level of criticality, from low to critical, facilitating the identification of the most important risks.

Industrial Machine Specifications (Excel/Google Sheet)

This specification template brings together all the technical, functional and regulatory requirements necessary for the acquisition or design of an industrial machine. It helps you analyze your needs , compare different offers and ensure the compliance of the final project.

[Download the template here]

Example of an industrial machine specification

Maintenance Instructions – Word Document

This manual presents in a summary manner the maintenance procedures to be carried out on your equipment. It offers a practical guide to preserve the reliability of the machines and extend their service life, while guaranteeing the safety of the operators.

[Download the template here]

Example of a Maintenance Notice — Word document - User Manual

Technical and Financial Comparison of Supplier Offers (Excel/Google Sheet)

With this model, you objectively evaluate the proposals received by comparing performance, quality and cost criteria. The tool includes automatic scoring to simplify decision-making and select the offer best suited to your needs.

[Download the template here]

Technical and financial evaluation document with project name, scores, pricing details, and supplier selection.

e-book - Complete Guide to TRS – Definition, Calculation, Benefits and Implementation (PDF)

This practical guide explains in detail the methodology for calculating TRS and the best practices for implementing it. It also highlights the benefits of this monitoring for the overall productivity and competitiveness of the company.

[Download the template here]

Detailed outline of the Synthetic Rate of Return (SRE) with sections on definition, calculation, benefits and implementation.

ebook - Industry 5.0 – Definition, Technology, Benefits and Challenges (PDF)

Through this resource, you will explore the next industrial revolution, that of Industry 5.0 , which relies on human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence. The document details the issues related to hyper-personalization, eco-responsibility and new opportunities for value creation.

[Download the template here]

PDF Guide to Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0

e-book - White Paper – From Vision to Action, the Future of Industry (PDF)

This eBook offers a global perspective on the evolution of the industrial sector and proposes concrete avenues to anticipate future changes. You will discover examples of innovative strategies to strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of your company.

[Download the template here]

Cover of the white paper on the industry of the future - factory 4.0 guide


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