Selection of the best Industrial IoT Platforms

Industrial IoT Platforms: Catalysts for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has today become necessary in an increasingly competitive context, also marked by a transformation of commercial relationships and a rapidly changing consumption pattern. Industries must therefore adapt flexibly to these new rules of the game, in order to produce ever more efficient and varied products, while optimizing manufacturing costs and general profitability.

In this evolving landscape, industrial IoT platforms are positioning themselves as turnkey solutions to meet these challenges. These platforms provide infrastructure to easily connect industrial devices and systems to the cloud, making it easier to collect, analyze and leverage data in real time. With an open source IoT platform , industries benefit from increased flexibility and adaptability, allowing customization according to the specific needs of each business.

These digital solutions, developed by industry experts and carefully referenced by our teams, each have their own characteristics. However, they all share the quest for maximized efficiency, precision, and agility throughout the supply chain. The adoption of an industrial IoT platform therefore represents a strategic lever for companies wishing to accelerate their digital transformation and sustainably embrace a logic of innovation and competitiveness.

Open source IoT platforms , in particular, offer the benefit of an active developer community, providing regular updates, new features and a wealth of add-ons. These aspects are crucial for industries looking for a scalable and secure solution that can adapt to rapid market changes and regulatory requirements.

To explore the available options in detail and make the best choice for your business, discover our complete selection of IoT platforms , including industrial IoT platforms and open source IoT solutions, to kick-start your journey to Industry 4.0 .

  • Tulip: at the service of industry 4.0

    A single, connected platform for frontline operations. Tulip builds the factory of tomorrow by connecting people, machines, devices and systems used in production or logistics processes in a physical company, thanks to software and connected objects.

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  • Connected hardware management

    Hiboo offers an integrated IoT solution for exploring equipment fleet data, in order to exploit all the possibilities to optimize site management, inventory or maintenance. The latter is specialized for the construction sector, the equipment rental and dealers sector, and the transport, logistics and waste sector.

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  • Kuzzle : la puissance de l'Open Source

    Kuzzle: the power of Open Source

    Kuzzle designs its Smart Industry IoT platform to improve industrial performance, manufacturing tool capacity, production processes or maintenance needs. Real-time analysis and detailed dashboards allow optimized management of needs and production sites.

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  • MerciYannis: the ally to manage your work environment

    Fully modular according to needs, MerciYanis makes it easy to manage your premises, which have become intelligent buildings 100% adapted to maximized productivity. The sensors and connected objects thus ensure the detection, then the signal of an incident for rapid intervention.

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  • The alliance of the IoT and the lean philosophy

    These digital solutions allow real-time monitoring of the performance of the means of production, as well as reactive management. They are based on the latest technologies (connected objects, Android, Bluetooth, WIFI), and on the main principles of Lean Manufacturing.

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  • Ubigreen: proptech for eco-responsible buildings at the service of occupants

    Ubigreen is accelerating the energy transition of businesses and communities through digital solutions for optimizing building performance. These allow the reduction of the operational costs of the sites, as well as the proposal of a hybrid work experience.

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  • Solvace: the digitization of all your operations

    This platform aims to revolutionize operational excellence by stimulating the transformation of all plant processes, from manufacturing to management.

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  • Optimistik: data analysis & big data for industry 4.0

    A ready-to-use operational intelligence solution, OI Analytics aims to transform industrial data, through their collection and then their analysis, into a new lever for daily performance.

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  • InUse: the first IoT platform entirely dedicated to industry (IIoT)

    Specially designed for equipment manufacturers and factories, InUse gives manufacturers the power to quickly deploy new digital services that meet the eco-efficiency needs of production sites.

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  • Software AG: for building a smarter future

    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions allow manufacturers to reinvent their operations thanks to connected objects and real-time data analysis. This first self-service platform encourages agility, while helping you launch your products, improve the quality of your production or even obtain information on your supply chain.

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  • Stimio

    Predictive maintenance

    As an IoT designer for the railway sector, Stimio designs modular, scalable and ready-to-deploy business solutions in the field. They combine both mechanical and software engineering, wireless telecommunications and data analysis, to remotely control rolling stock and infrastructure, and thus prevent the risk of failures.

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  • Innoteo : la force de l'énergie digitale pour le business

    Innoteo: the power of digital energy for business

    Tailor-made applications and packaged solutions, mixed reality, artificial intelligence, IoT technologies: Innoteo's offer propels companies into the dynamics of the digital age and contributes to the development of the industry of the future. The service offer covers business development, data enhancement, customer relationship management and training.

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  • Nanolike: supply chain automation

    The connected solutions developed by Nanolike mainly apply to silos and IBC containers: real-time monitoring, remote viewing, geofencing, alerts, or estimation of the filling rate. They thus make it possible to optimize all logistics processes.

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  • Stackeo: unleashing the power of IoT technology

    Stackeo provides collaborative software and consulting services to help companies plan, adapt and optimize smart connected solutions. These are associated with modelling, simulation, as well as Digital Twin Network technology, in order to ensure the profitability, reliability and sustainability of the various projects.

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  • Technilog: for the federation of connected objects

    Technilog leads IoT projects by positioning itself on the collection, translation and analysis of data, necessary for the visualization and control of equipment. It is then a question of connecting the factory as close as possible to the machines and tools, for better anticipation and supplying the business repositories.

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  • A multifunctional predictive diagnostics platform

    Keep track of the status of machines and devices, create reports and generate predictive models in one place. An original analytical engine allows the use of machine learning without the need to program or knowledge the theory of algorithms.

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  • Know to act

    Reverse Systems offers solutions serving the circular economy for the aeronautical, manufacturing, naval and defense industries. This MMS (Material Management System), which can be used by all players in the supply chain, allows the management and traceability of materials, leading then to their reuse.

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  • industrial automation software

    The Zenon HMI/SCADA platform integrates equipment and manufacturing automation and engineering software to maximize an industry's operational objectives. In particular, it enables data acquisition and management, visualization, control, reporting, analysis and maintenance.

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  • Analysis and integration of flows in low-code

    Crosser designs and develops analysis, automation and integration software. The Crosser platform enables the real-time processing of streaming or batch data within the IoT framework, as well as the analysis, automation and integration of this information.

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